The 3 Best Tasting Protein Powders of 2024

Protein powders have long been a staple for those who want to maximize their workout results. This applies much more to those fitness enthusiasts who want to build muscle. Plus, it can also help with an increase in overall fitness performance.

However, there is an issue that may arise. The taste of your protein shakes may be horrendous. To the point where you don’t finish it and you get less-than-ideal results.

Chris Bumstead and our team at Raw Nutrition know that a protein shake should never go to waste. Nor should your chances of maximizing your fitness goals. In this guide, we’ll give you our suggestions for the best-tasting protein powder on the market. We’ll also discuss the importance of protein powder beyond taste. 

Ready to get started? 

Chris Bumstead working out in the gym

Your Best Options for Great Tasting Protein Shakes

The following list is our hand-picked option for the best-tasting protein shakes. A heads-up: all of them are from the Raw Nutrition brand line, which means you are guaranteed to get the best quality and taste each time.

Now, this might make the choices a bit challenging. But it all comes down to personal needs, preferences, and affordability. Let’s take a look at what you can choose from:

  1. Raw Isolate Protein

A container of RAW’s Isolate Protein 

First, we’ll take a look at our Isolate Protein, which is available in four different flavors. This comes with 25 grams of pure whey protein isolate. You’ll be happy to know that it has no fillers or additives, which means you get purity and quality.

Another thing you’ll notice is that it’s easy to digest. This will be excellent for your muscles looking for the protein they need to build up and get stronger. Here’s the cool thing about our protein powders that Raw Nutrition offers: the proteins are not sourced from animals that have been treated with hormones and antibiotics.

Those will leave you with some not-so-good side effects. To ensure superior quality, we microfilter the whey. If you want top-quality protein powder that tastes great in different flavors, this could be the best option for something simple and of excellent quality.

  1. Vegan Protein

A white tub of RAW’s Vegan Protein

It might be a great idea to include an option for those of our readers who want a vegan or vegetarian-friendly option. Raw Nutrition has you covered.

Our Vegan Protein has 20 grams of plant-based protein that is excellent in quality. Which means there are no GMOs, hormones, antibiotics, or chemicals and additives. To ensure the best taste, this protein powder is sweetened with stevia.

Now you have a protein powder that will taste pretty good. Even if you don’t do vegan diets, this might be a great option for you if you’re looking for excellent quality and great taste without all the “bad stuff”. It may be a good alternative if you want to try something different other than isolated protein.

  1. Whey Protein Blend

A white container of RAW Whey Protein Blend

If the last two options are a bit out of your price range, this is a good option for you. Yes, we look after those who are looking for something on a budget. In this guide, we do our best not to leave anyone behind.

With that said, this Whey Protein Blend comes in two different flavors that are low in fat and carbs. One scoop contains 25 grams of high-quality protein and will give your muscles that excellent boost. If you’re looking for what could be the best-tasting protein shakes you’ve ever had, this is the powder option you want to have in your hand.

One taste, and you won’t regret buying it. In fact, you’d be crazy enough to purchase another container. Yes, we’ve seen some of our recurring customers do this - believe us.

These three options are worth a try. The Raw Nutrition brand may be your go-to option, even if you’ve tried different protein powders from our competitors. If you’re looking for a change, try us out if you wish - we guarantee that you’ll enjoy it.

What Makes Protein Powders Important for Fitness Goals?

Protein shakes have long been a favorite among fitness enthusiasts and athletes. It can be consumed for post-workout recovery or as a meal replacement (especially during breakfast). Either way, it’s an excellent solution for those who want to meet their daily protein needs.

So when it comes to protein intake for fitness and health, selecting the best-tasting protein powder is key. With a wide range of options available, it's important to consider not only the protein per scoop but also the quality of the protein. Complete protein sources, which contain all nine essential amino acids, are vital for muscle repair and growth. These can be found in both flavored and unflavored protein powders, catering to a variety of dietary preferences.

Because of these benefits, the popularity of protein powders has not decreased in the slightest. They continue to be the perfect staple for those who want to achieve and maintain their fitness goals. Protein is obviously one of the best things to have that will help with muscle growth (and similar benefits).

RAW Athlete lifting weight in the gym, wearing a black hoodie


What Are the Different Types of Protein Powders?

One thing to keep in mind is that protein powders come in different forms. The specific difference that stands out is the source. The following types of protein sources that are available are:

  • Whey
  • Casein
  • Pea
  • Soy
  • Plant-based protein powders

Granted, each type has its own distinct benefits. However, it shows that you have plenty of options when it comes to choosing the top protein shakes on the market. At the end of the day, you’ll want to make an informed decision based on the knowledge you gather in this guide.

Then there’s the matter of taste: sometimes the best tasting is one that does not have any taste at all! Unflavored protein powders offer versatility and are often appreciated by those who prefer to avoid artificial flavors and additives. These powders can seamlessly blend into smoothies, baked goods, and other recipes, allowing individuals to increase their protein per serving without altering the taste of their favorite foods.

Scooping Itholate Protein 

What Kind of Nutritional Content Does Protein Powder Have?

The important thing to note is that you’ll find plenty of nutritional content in protein supplements. Of course, protein is one of them. There are others beyond that, including the essential amino acids like BCAAs.

You’ll also get plenty of additional vitamins and minerals with every protein shake you have. Later on, you’ll learn what kind of ingredients will be key in finding the best-tasting protein powders on the market.

A man boxing and punching a punching bag

What Factors Contribute to the Taste of a Protein Shake?

The major goal in this instance is finding the best taste in a protein powder. It’s important to make sure you understand what factors will contribute to it. Let’s take a look at the following list below.

A man lifting weights with weight straps 

Options of flavors

You may notice that there’s a wide variety of options in terms of flavor. Flavored protein powders are a favorite among many, including personal trainers and fitness enthusiasts, for their convenience and taste. The common choices include vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry. Don’t forget that there are other flavors that are available depending on the brand name.

These can include salted caramel, cookies ‘n cream, and others. It goes without saying that each flavor profile will be designed for different palates. While this may seem like a benefit for many, it’s a challenge for others when it comes to making a choice.

Which flavors do you like? If you like chocolate flavors, would you enjoy a protein shake that tastes like it? There’s a good chance you might.

One thing to call out would be artificial flavors, but there are numerous products on the market that use natural ingredients to achieve delicious tastes without compromising nutritional value. It's important to read labels carefully to ensure you're getting a complete protein with each serving, as well as to align with any dietary preferences or restrictions.

Sweeteners and the impact it has on taste

One thing to make a note of is that protein powders will contain sweeteners. But here’s the thing: sweeteners may not be good for consumption (especially on a regular or excessive basis). So, it may not be the best idea to use one that may have artificial sweeteners such as sucralose or aspartame.

But don’t worry, though, there are natural sweeteners such as stevia and monk fruit that may be the best options because they’re healthier options. Minimizing your sugar intake is not unusual for those looking for a great-tasting protein powder. Sweeteners may have an impact on protein powders - for better or worse.

Texture and mixability

Texture and mixability can play a crucial role in creating a great-tasting shake. Of course, you don’t want something that is clumpy. You want something that you can easily mix every time.

Whether it’s in a blender or a shaker, the texture and mixability are worth nothing. The only way you can find out without touching the product yet is to read the product reviews of protein powders you’re interested in purchasing.

Keep in mind that the protein content may affect the texture and mixability. The higher the content per scoop, it may be a bit difficult to mix.

RAW Athlete doing a leg press in the gym 

What Are the Additional Factors to Consider When Choosing a Protein Powder?

Beyond the factors pertaining to taste, we’re going to look at the list of additional factors to consider when purchasing a protein powder. It is important that you mull this over before making your final purchase decision. Here’s what they are:

What dietary restrictions and special considerations do you have?

One of the major considerations that must be addressed are your dietary restrictions and special considerations. Specifically, they include avoiding certain protein types or ingredients due to allergies. You may also be looking for something appropriate for someone who prefers a vegan or vegetarian diet.

Finally, it may be something that is low-carb or keto-friendly. Dietary restrictions and considerations will play a huge role for sure. You’ll still find an excellent option for tasty protein shakes regardless of what your restrictions are.  

How much am I willing to spend?

Obviously, fitness supplements don’t come cheap. The same applies for protein powders. They come at different price points depending on factors like brand, quality, and so on.

Can you find a good-tasting protein shake on a budget? Absolutely. You should keep quality, overall performance, and taste in mind when you choose one.

Don’t sacrifice these characteristics for the sake of saving a few dollars. The best you can afford in terms of what’s important is what you need to look for. Great taste on a budget is possible.

What kind of certifications and quality standards do they meet?

When it comes to overall quality and satisfaction, you may want to dig a little deeper. So, it’s important to find options that have undergone third-party testing for quality and purity. In order to have the certifications, they must meet specific standards in terms of ingredient accuracy along with being free from any contaminants or ingredients that may be questionable.

It’s also a good idea to find protein powders that are GMO-free. This will ensure that they are free from any genetically modified organisms - which can be linked to health and environmental issues.

Frequently Asked Questions

Now that we’ve covered all the bases regarding the idea of choosing a great-tasting protein powder, we will go over these frequently asked questions. You might have additional questions at this point (which is typical). Here are some of the questions that people are asking:

Can tasty protein powders still be healthy?

Yes. Tasty protein powders can still be healthy. It’s important to take a close look at the ingredients that are considered good or bad. Remember that proprietary blends and artificial ingredients will make a protein powder less than ideal in terms of how healthy it is.

Are there any natural and plant-based options for tasty protein powders?

Yes. As you may have noticed in our product reviews above, we’ve included one from our brand - Vegan Protein. Protein powders from natural and plant-based options are still just as tasty. Even if you don’t adhere to plant-based or similar diets, you may be surprised by how excellent they taste while giving you the tremendous benefits of any other protein powder on the market.

When are the best times to have a protein shake?

This will depend on several factors. Directly before or after your workout if you are doing some kind of resistance training. Another good time is before going to bed, as it can also stimulate muscle growth while you are sleeping. Make sure it’s at least 40 grams of protein to ensure maximum results.


Finding the best-tasting protein powder doesn’t have to be a challenge. We hope this guide will make finding the right option easier for you. Our line of protein powders may be some of the best options on the market not just for taste but to give you the excellent benefit of muscle growth and increased performance.

Discover the amazing taste of Raw Nutrition’s protein powders today! See the difference quality ingredients can make in your fitness journey.


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March 15, 2024 — Aaron Napoles